
Notre Dame Game

Sunday, September 13, 2015


This weekend was sheer perfection! My husband and I had the privilege of flying on 9/11 the past 2 years in a row now & it has been an honor to be in the sky remember those who packed their bags never to return home 14 years ago. We also got to see the beautiful Chicago skyline as we were taking off. Even though it was a cloudy day the Windy City still takes my breath away!
Saturday we went to the Notre Dame vs Virginia game and it was AMAZING!!! My wonderful mother works for the UVA and I felt so blessed to watch my first ND game with her and my father in their home state of Virginia. The campus and stadium was gorgeous & the Wahoos hosted a fantastic game. I literally had SO MUCH FUN! This game was intense. It had me biting my nails - literally! I wasn't quite sure old Notre Dame was going to win  but that last touchdown was a miracle!!! 🍀
As we travel back to home sweet home Chicago, I can't help but think of how my father-in-law passed away 3 month ago today from cancer. He is still admired, remembered, loved, and missed! Hope y'all had a blessed and wonderful weekend!

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